Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The DigiScrap Geek Podcast Episode 15: Talking About Planning and Seeing Projects Through.

I am not one to set New Year's resolutions. That being said, I do like to have goals in mind. Most of my goals are short term with the intent to contribute to one long term accomplishment. I know that short term projects or goals work better for me. I get too easily distracted. There are tools I use to help me see my way forward. Many of those tools are part of my membership to Simple Scrapper. Jennifer Wilson is wonderful at helping you to simplify your goals and make them achievable. I have known Jennifer for over  a year now and I was delighted to have her join us on the latest episode of the DigiScrap Geek Podcast.We talked a lot about what works and doesn't work to achieve project planning while on the show. I thought I would share a few of my own personal goals. 

During 2014, I managed to get my scrapbook stash more organized. I did so by doing small organizational projects each month. I now have a workable space and can find supplies so much easier. I scrap a lot faster now that I am not constantly searching for stuff. Of course, my space still needs some tweaking. In 2015, I plan to continue my small organizational efforts knowing that there will be a big reward at the end. I would also like to do things to make my space pretty as well as functional.

I was very satisfied with my scrapbooking efforts during 2015. Looking back, I can now see times of the year in which I became tired or lost interest in it for short time spans. These time frames seem to be seasonal and often seem to occur after other big events in my life. Generally, those events involve homeschooling. In 2015, I hope to be able to schedule my time a little better so that I don't wear out creatively. 

Project Life is something I love but which sometimes falls by the way side about half way through the year. I stopped sometime around April or May. I don't necessarily feel behind. However,I do have a desire to finish those pages and keep it going in 2015. I like my month in a recap version of Project Life and plan to continue that. I plan to use Traci Reed's 2015 Life Planner to help keep my thoughts organized. I know I forgot things about each month last year that I am sorry I missed. This planner will help me keep everything organized even if I can't scrap that month right away.

In 2014, I had a long list of older supplies and tools which I wanted to make more use out of. The list was so long and it was sort of a running joke. Having the list wasn't a bad thing. Having a huge list was. This year, I want to use older tools but will approach things differently. I will choose one or two tools and techniques per month to focus on.

I am really looking forward to 2015. I have a lot of exciting content to share with you. Meanwhile, the organizational bug has bitten me and it's time to get back to work. Enjoy the last few days of 2013! Happy New Year!

Additional Resources

The Premium Membership at Simple Scrapper provides skills and shortcuts to help you simplify and find more meaning in your memory keeping. Click here for more information.

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